Tuesday 20 May 2014

Man Files World's Largest Lawsuit Over Dog Bite

A Manhattan man has filed the world's largest lawsuit , seeking  a tremendous amount of $2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000 in damages over a dog bite and being overcharged for a cup of coffee.

Anton Purisima has filed his two undecillion dollar lawsuit after he claims his middle finger was bitten and infected by a "rabies-infected" dog on a city bus, that he paid more for coffee than he should have at LaGuardia Airport and a Chinese couple took pictures of him without asking.

According to Lowering The Bar, Purisima filed the hand-written lawsuit in a federal court on 11 April and is representing himself. The list of defendents include Au Bon Pain Store, Hoboken University Medical Center and New York City Transit Authority.

It states his pain and additional damages "cannot be repaired by money" and is "therefore priceless". He includes evidence of his injured finger.

Civil rights violations, personal injury, discrimination on national origin, retaliation, harassment, fraud, attempted murder, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and conspiracy to defraud. $2,000 decillion ($2,000,000,000,

In the last four years, Purisima, who can safely be described as litigious, has filed lawsuits against the People's Republic of China and several major banks including Wells Fargo, JP Morgan, and Wachovia.

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