Saturday 30 August 2014

Israeli Scientist Creates First Time Travel Machine

It has been reported that an Israeli scientist from Jerusalem, who chose to remain anonymous, has successfully created a real working time machine. According to the anonymous scientist, the time machine took nearly 35 years to invent and create. This could very well be the greatest human invention in history.

The machine has been tested several times with animals such as rats and guinea pigs which brought back gravel samples dating far back as millions of years. 

Time machines have been made famous by science fiction television shows, films, and books. For hundreds of years, the possibility of time travel fascinated scientists and normal people. Now it has been created through thousands of hours of working with anti-matter and the understanding of the time-space continuum.

 “Time travel seemed impossible because of how great it is, imagine going back to see your parents as teenagers or back to ancient Egypt.

The created time machine hasn’t been crated using a car, portal, hot tub, nor a phone booth like most would expect. 

Rather it has been created as a 18 foot diameter metal sphere with controls inside which you would get inside of to travel back in time. Scientist groups, militaries, and other government organizations such as NASA are making money offers to the Israeli scientist as high as 32 billion dollars.

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