Monday 1 December 2014

Mario Balotelli Investigated For Racism

Premier League Football Association, is currently investigating  Mario Balotelli alleged racial post which the footballer posted on his Instagram which have prompted accusations of racism and antisemitism.

The Liverpool striker reposted an image of the Nintendo character Super Mario on his social media feed that contained the words “jumps like a black man and grabs coins like a jew”.

Balotelli received widespread criticism for the image, which he deleted on Instagram, and took to Twitter to deny making an offensive reference to Judaism. “My Mom is jewish so all of u shut up please,” wrote the Italy international in reference to his foster mother, Silvia.

The image of Super Mario is headed “Don’t be racist” and goes on to state: “Be like Mario. He’s an Italian plumber, created by Japanese people, who speaks English and looks like a Mexican”, before the reference that has landed the 24-year-old in trouble.

Balotelli described reposting the image of Super Mario, with whom he shares a nickname, as “my unlucky moment” in another tweet but his defence may not prevent an FA charge.
A spokesperson for the governing body has confirmed it is looking into the matter and the organisation can take action where it believes an individual has “bought the game into disrepute by making comments which included a reference to ethnic origin and/or colour and/or race”.

Queens Park Rangers’ Rio Ferdinand, then at Manchester United, was fined £45,000 and found guilty of improper conduct in 2012 for a tweet that characterised Ashley Cole as a “choc-ice”.

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