Sunday 26 July 2015

House of Lords Deputy Speaker Resigns Over Video of Drug Taking With Prostitutes

British parliament  Lord Sewel has resigned as Lords deputy speaker after a newspaper  published video of him allegedly taking drugs with prostitutes.

He is facing a police investigation after quitting as Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords over a video allegedly showing him taking drugs with prostitutes.

Lords speaker Baroness D’Souza branded the peer’s behaviour “shocking and unacceptable” and said she was calling in Scotland Yard.

“The revelations about the behaviour of Lord Sewel are both shocking and unacceptable. Lord Sewel has this morning resigned as chairman of committees,” Lady D’Souza said in a statement.

 “The House of Lords will continue to uphold standards in public life and will not tolerate departure from these standards.

“These serious allegations will be referred to the House of Lords Commissioner for Standards and the Metropolitan Police for investigation as a matter of urgency.”

The Sun on Sunday footage showed what appeared to be a naked Lord Sewel, who had responsibility for enforcing standards in the Upper House, snorting white powder from a woman’s breasts using a five-pound note.

In the film obtained by the Sun on Sunday, Lord Sewel is shown with two women at his flat in Dolphin Square, Pimlico, a couple of miles from parliament.

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