Tuesday 30 September 2014

Chefs Produce Human-Flesh-Tasting Burger

The human-flesh-tasting burger is a product of ‘Messhead’ – a collaboration between chef James Tomlinson of ‘London Mess’ and ‘Miss Cakehead’, a freelance creative director who specializes in gory food creations. It was created to mark the start of the fifth season of the zombie television show The Walking Dead.

Thankfully, the two chefs didn’t have to resort to cannibalism to figure out the taste of human flesh. Instead, they just read accounts from well-known cannibals, like explorer William Seabrook and notorious murderer Issei Sagawa.

According to Seabrook, human flesh tastes like ‘good, fully developed veal, not young, but not yet beef’. Sagawa, on the other hand, said that the flesh melted in his mouth ‘like raw tuna in a sushi restaurant’. To replicate the experience, Tomlinson and Miss Cakehead have settled on a special blend of pork, veal, bone marrow, and chicken livers.

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