Wednesday 30 April 2014

See How Nigerian Prisoners Suffer In Prisons

The prison space is about 1,250 feet in length and about 878 feet in width enclosing large acres of land. The enclosure is hedged in by high walls capped with iron fence about 16 feet high, on the outside of which a parapet wall about 12 feet from the ground stands so imposing.

What would have been a correctional facility like what is obtained in foreign countries, have lost its purpose as inmates are left at the mercies of mother nature while some of the inmate have gradually degenerated to mental inmates who should be given psychiatric treatment due to the condition of prison.

Is it that the government have failed on its part to build correctional facilities that will see those convicted being re-integrated into the society after serving jail terms. The look from the faces of the inmates revealed that they suffer profound and pervasive psychological disintegration because of their present circumstances.

For a better society, government should make effort to see that the welfare of these convicts are taken serious as they remain human and part of the society.

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