Saturday 19 April 2014

World's Oldest Barmaid Still Serving At 100

A great-great grandmother who is the oldest barmaid in the world will soon celebrate her 100th birthday - but has no plans to retire.

Dolly Saville still works three days a week at The Red Lion Hotel in Wendover, Bucks, where she has been pulling pints for an incredible 74 years since 1940. She started working at the bar when she was just 26 and King George VI was on the throne, Winston Churchill was Prime Minister and Britain was in the grip of World War Two.

Over the last seven decades she has served scores of famous faces, including Pierce Brosnan, Ted Heath, Stanley Matthews, Vera Lynn, Margot Fonteyn and Elizabeth Taylor. Until six years ago, she was still working at least six hours a day, six days a week and has only ever had two weeks sick leave.

She has now reduced her work to three shifts a week, but still spends hours on her feet clearing tables, polishing glasses and serving customers. Mrs Saville, who has three grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and one great-great granddaughter, reckons she has pulled two million pints in the bar, named Dolly's in her honour.

"I love my work and I love the people, it keeps me going and it's better than sitting around," she said.

"I never thought I would be here this long, but I've loved every minute of it. My family keeps asking if I want to stop, but I have no plans to retire.

"My boss is lovely and if he asked me to work an extra shift I would say yes as he has been so kind to me."

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