Sunday 25 January 2015

US Secretary Of States Arrivals Nigeria Over Nation's 2015 Election

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Nigeria on Sunday to urge its rival political camps to respect the outcome of a Feb. 14 presidential election, amid concerns that post-poll violence could undermine the fight against Boko Haram militants.

Kerry's visit to the commercial capital Lagos, in which he was to hold talks with incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan and challenger Muhammadu Buhari, highlights the stakes for Washington in what is expected to be Nigeria's closest election since its 1999 transition from military rule.

According to a senior State department official, Kerry will "emphasize to both of the candidates the importance of non-violence in this election and having a free and fair and transparent process."

He will argue "in particular that the loser accepts the results and discourages supporters from responding in any violent fashion," the official said.

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