Tuesday 25 February 2014

Bible Saves Man From Gun Shot, Absorbs Two Bullets

Bus driver Rickey Waggoner was attacked by the group who shot him twice in the chest at close range and once in the hip. Mr Waggoner had stopped on the side of the road because of engine trouble.

Police in Dayton, Ohio, said the 49-year-old could have been killed if it wasn’t for the New Testament Bible. ‘I had a book in my pocket,’ Mr Waggoner told 911 operators.

‘At first I thought it went through. It just feels like I’ve been hit with a sledgehammer in the chest. And I’ve been cut on the arm.’

Mr Waggoner managed to wrestle the gun from the youngsters, who are thought to be aged between 15 and 18, and fired back.‘They started to run. I shot at them with their gun,’ he added. ‘I got their gun and knife in the bus with me.’

Authorities are still looking for the suspects and said the shooting may have been carried out as a gang initiation.

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