Friday 21 February 2014

Celebrities Who Love To Masturbate

Masturbation has been around for longer than humanity, with primates being in on the fun for millions of years. It is humans, though, who have really grabbed the bull by the horns, as it were. In fact, mankind’s affinity for self-love is encapsulated in Rule 34 of the Internet which states that if something exists, there is porn of it.

Masturbation isn’t just for sad and lonely folks, though, even some of the world’s flashiest celebs have admitted to getting down and dirty solo-style.

1.       John Mayer

You’d think the man who’s dating Katy Perry would need too much, erm, satisfaction, but John has openly admitted his penchant for personal pleasure. He says “I have masturbated myself out of serious problems in my life. The phone doesn't pick up because I'm masturbating. And I have excused myself at the oddest times so as to not make mistakes. If Tiger Woods only knew when to jerk off. It has a true market value, like gold bullion.”

2.       Robert Downey Jr.

Downey Jr has a history of addictive behaviour including alcohol and a wide range of drugs. It isn’t really a surprise, then, that he also found himself addicted to fondling. "I was a compulsive, serial masturbator,” he told the Sunday Times. At least he takes a positive opinion of his private activity "But it was the best thing I could have been. I utilised that organ and rode it for everything it was worth."

3.       James Franco

James Franco is at any one time producing, acting, writing and studying for a master’s degree. However he still finds time to indulge in a little snake charming: "I'm in hotels a lot for a lot of my life. And I don't mind it because I have a lot of stuff to do on my own. I have a lot of reading to do for school or whatever .... You asked! So, when I'm alone, I do masturbate a lot" he told the LA Times.

4.       Eva Longoria

The former Desperate Housewives star has been a vocal supporter of masturbation, saying that “the best sex I ever had was with my vibrator” in an interview. She continued to say that “I didn't begin enjoying sex until I started masturbating... It's a shame I didn't discover it sooner... Everybody should do it." You go, Eva.

5.       Dustin Hoffman

Rain Man might be a bit more advance than the other members of this list but that doesn’t stop him from holding the sausage hostage every once in a while. He’s even said that it’s a way for him to burn calories, so there’s always that.

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