Wednesday 12 February 2014

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon Separation and Divorce Plans Loom Mansion Up For Sale

It seems like it has been a rocky year for Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon. I say seems, because they are never spotted together any more so I can’t exactly read into body language between people choosing to live on opposite coasts.

There have been rumblings for months that these two have been on the outs and it all seemed to start with Nick’s need to be in L.A. For work. Apparently Mariah doesn’t due long term relationship’s well, especially with twins.

In Hollywood selling off property is usually the first step in a smart divorce and as it turns out, Mariah and Nick’s L.A. Home is now on the market. This kind of tells me that she has no intention of moving out to the west coast to keep the family together.

Instead they are opting to sell the Bel Air home that they bought for $6.975 million and looking to make a hefty profit by listing it at $12.99 million. The home was actually perfect for a family, with its 7 bedrooms, fitness room and putting green. It’s not the place that you give up if you intend to spend any of your time in L.A.

Selling property before divorce is wise because that way both parties can simply split the profit rather than worry about who is living where. It seems like the kind of thing that Mariah would do, don’t you think? Is the writing on the wall for these two? If Nick is always 3,000 miles away then he certainly isn’t invested in the family much, right? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

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