Friday 7 February 2014

Diplomat Uses Vaguer Word To Insult The EU

International diplomacy or a sequel to Mean Girls? The United States was left embarrassed when a leaked phone call seemed to reveal Washington's top diplomat for Europe saying, "F*** the EU."

Victoria Nuland allegedly said that in a recent phone call to the American ambassador to Ukraine, in reference to the European response to the ongoing protests in capital Kyiv and elsewhere in the former Soviet country.

"Let me convey that she has been in contact with her EU counterparts, and of course has apologized," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.

As for how the conversation was leaked, Psaki provided no details but said, "Certainly we think this is a new low in Russian tradecraft."

A spokeswoman for the EU's foreign affairs head had only this to say, "The EU is engaged in helping the people of Ukraine through the current political crisis. We don't comment on leaked alleged telephone conversations."

The leak appeared as Ukraine's president was on his way to Sochi to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss the ongoing political crisis.



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