Thursday 20 November 2014

Florida State University Shooter: “I Believed Government Was Targeting Me”

A Florida State University alumnus and attorney who shot three people at the school’s library early Thursday believed the government was targeting him for persecution, detailing his thoughts in a journal and in videos detectives obtained, authorities said.

Officers fatally shot Myron May, 31, during an exchange outside the library at about 12.30am. May reloaded at least once and tried to enter the library, where 300 or more students were studying for midterm exams, but was blocked by lobby security barriers that permit only students and staff inside, Tallahassee police chief Michael DeLeo said.

The shooting sent students scrambling for cover in the book aisles and barricading themselves in with desks amid screams from classmates.

“I ran for my life,” said Allison Kope, a freshman from Cocoa Beach, who was on the library’s first floor. “I ran right out the backdoor. My laptop and everything is still in there. It was shock. It was just instinct. You don’t think about anything else, you just go.”

 “The police investigation will answer many of the questions we are asking today, but just like any tragedy the ultimate question of why, we’ll never have an answer that satisfies those whose loved ones have been injured,” Scott said.

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